With the introduction of platforms like zoom, the world has gotten smaller. And while that might be great for us as a consumer, as business owners we now face lots more competition.
Our potential clients can now use the services of people around the world with ease.
Branding has become the latest buzz word and Personal branding photography has grown in popularity.
But you’re probably sitting their thinking “can it really help grow my business though”?
The answer is YES.
Like many things Personal branding photography is an investment. Its a tool that you can use to grow your business.
If done correctly, Personal branding photos will allow you to share your story in a clear and professional way as well as turning your the messages you want to get out to your audience, into images that will stop the scroll.
Your website needs to capture visitors attention instantly and its not going to do that if you have poor quality images on there. By having Personal Branding photos that show who you are and what you do on your website, visitors will have an idea of who they will potentially doing business with. They wont get that from stock images!
Marketing Materials
Marketing materials, like business cars, leaflets, brochures etc are an important part of promoting your business, so its important to have high quality images you can use. By using your personal branding images it will increase the trust factor with your audience and help to keep things consistent.
Social media content
Everyone and their dog is now using social media to promote their business, so you need to stand out. But you dont just need lots of pretty pictures of you!
The photos you post on social media need to directly relate to the content you are putting out there. This will stop the scroll as well as making you stand out from what everyone else is doing.
Good personal branding photos will allow your audience to know who they are dealing with and make you more trustworthy and likeable.
Email signature
Who needs a boring email signature. Add one of your branding images so your signature stands out.
It also put across that you are a professional and confidant in what you do. It also help to solidify you branding by keeping everything consistent.
Guest posts
If you are best blogging, vlogging or writing for other websites than you should always be adding a professional photo to your bio.
This may be just a small photo, but it keeps everything on brand and makes you look professional and trustworthy.
If you want to position your self as an expert when approaching publications and PR firms about publicity opportunities then you are definitely going to need professional branding photos. If you look like you are taking yourself seriously, others will too.
For a small investment, Personal branding photos will make sure you are showing up authentically and professionally in all your marketing efforts.
Give your marketing a constant feel that will help you stand out from your competitors.
And give your business the boost it needs to attract new clients and make more money.
If you would like to have a chat to me about how Personal Branding photos can help you in your business either click the button below or drop me an email to Lyn@brandphotographybywings.co.uk